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October 25, 2023 -
دعوه للمشارکه: جائزه الفارابی الدولیه الخامسه عشره
تقام جائزه الفارابی الدولیه (FIA) للعلوم الإنسانیه والدراسات الإسلامیه سنویًا من قبل وزاره العلوم والبحوث والتکنولوجیا فی جمهوریه إیران الإسلامیه ، بالتعاون مع مؤسسه النخبه الوطنیه الإیرانیه و معهد البحوث للدراسات الثقافیه والاجتماعیه والحضاریه التابع للجمهوریه إیران الإسلامیه.
October 10, 2023 -
Call for Nominations: 15th Farabi International Award
The Farabi International Award (FIA) on Humanities and Islamic Studies is held annually by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), in cooperation with Iran’s National Elite Foundation, and the Research Institute for Cultural, Social and Civilizational Studies of IRI.
May 31, 2023 -
“Neo-World”8th: Covid19 and its Role in the Future of Science
The eighth meeting of the "Neo-World" series on the future of the world, culture, science, and technology was held on Sunday, 28th May 2023, at the Institute for Cultural ,Social and Civilization Studies(ICSCS) under the title of "Covid19 and its Role in the Future of Science."
April 17, 2023 -
“Neo-World”6: “Culture as Reflected in Chinese Intellectual History”
The sixth meeting of the "Neo-World" series on the future of the world, culture, science, and technology was held on Sunday, 16th April 2023, at the Institue for Cultural and Social Studies under the title of "Culture as Reflected in Chinese Intellectual History."
December 31, 2022 -
The Head of the FIA New Year’s Message 2023
Dr. Reza Gholami, head of the permanent secretariat of the Farabi International Award, warmly congratulated all the winners and colleagues of the international department of the Farabi International Award on the coming New Year.
December 26, 2022 -
Second ISCS “Neo-World”; “National Identity and Cyberspace’’
The second meeting of the “Neo-World” series on the future of the world, culture, science and technology held on Saturday December 25, with the participation of Dr. Hamed Taheri Kia; a faculty member of the Institute for Social and Cultural Studies (ISCS) and Professor Elena Voevoda; Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of MGIMO University, Russia as speakers.