Deadline Extended: Registration for International Section of the 15th Farabi International Award
The deadline for registering and submitting works in the foreign section of the Farabi International Award (FIA) has been extended Until January 21,2024, according to ... .. more
دعوه للمشارکه: جائزه الفارابی الدولیه الخامسه عشره
تقام جائزه الفارابی الدولیه (FIA) للعلوم الإنسانیه والدراسات الإسلامیه سنویًا من قبل وزاره العلوم والبحوث والتکنولوجیا فی جمهوریه إیران الإسلامیه ، بالتعاون مع مؤسسه النخبه الوطنیه ... .. more
Call for Nominations: 15th Farabi International Award
The Farabi International Award (FIA) on Humanities and Islamic Studies is held annually by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of the Islamic Republic ... .. more
International Winners of 14th FIA to be Honored in Upcoming Ceremony
The winners of the International Section of the 14th Farabi International Award (FIA) will be honored and celebrated at an upcoming ceremony, according to a press ... .. more
Farabi International Award is Granted to Sheikh Jafar Al-Mohajer by Lebanese Minister of Culture
According to the public relations office of the Permanent Secretariat of the Farabi International Award, a ceremony for appreciating and honoring Sheikh Jafar Al-Mohajer, the winner of ... .. more
Call for 15th Award