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Award of “Peace and Friendship”; A New Prize at 14th FIA

 | Post date: 2022/11/1 | 
The scientific secretary of the 14th Farabi International Award, announced in a meeting with reporters that a new award titled "Peace and Friendship" will be awarded to the eligible winners in the 14th edition.
Dr. Mahdi Abasszadeh explained that in the international section of the 14th FIA, scholarly works and activities of international researchers (i.e. non-Iranian researchers) would be reviewed in three fields “Iranian Studies”, “Islamic Studies” and “Theistic Science”.
In this section, a “Leading Figure” and a “Top Research” would be awarded, he said, adding that in previous editions of the FIA, we had awarded leading figures but in the 14th edition, we would also present an award to top foreign eligible research with special criteria.
According to him key features for a “Leading Figure” include: “having outstanding scholarly and reference works; being innovative, or having effective theories;
having an effective background in the development of higher education; having an effective background in the field of training a new generation of specialists; having scholarly and practical influence in international forums.”
He added that key features of “Top Research” include “Having a clear problem-solving and theoretical framework; being methodological and interdisciplinarity; having a critical approach to different views and schools in the subject area of the research; having appropriate innovation; having a paradigm, effective theory, and coherent system (in basic research) or a practical and executive solution to the existing problems (in applied research)”.

In this edition, according to the proposition of some international organizations and with the agreement of the Ministry of science, research and technology, we added a “Peace and Friendship Award” to the FIA awards, he announced.
Abasszadeh explained that this award of peace and friendship “has four pillars, including establishing global peace based on justice; the dialogue of cultures in order to promote human virtues; interreligious dialogue and cooperation; the proximity of Islamic denominations (Mazahib)”.
“Considering that the Farabi International Award is a scholarly and research award, the candidates for this award must have appropriate, deep, and innovative scholarly and research activities in the above areas. Executive activities such as consultation, negotiation and holding meetings, promotional and media activities, political and diplomatic activities, and similar cases will not be considered”, he added.
He emphasized that only those international researches published between March 2019 and the end of March 2022 (the three years leading to the award) are eligible to participate in the 14th edition.
“One of the most important goals of the secretariat is to organize an elite network of scholars and researchers in the field of humanities and Islamic sciences in the near future”, Abasszadeh said.
He also said that in the national section of the 14th FIA scholarly Works and research will be received in fifteen scholarly groups including “Ethics, Religions and Mysticism”, “History, Geography and Archeology”, “Law”, “Language, Literature and Linguistics”, “Social Sciences and Communication Sciences”, “Economic Sciences, Management, and financial sciences”, “Educational sciences, psychology, and sports sciences”, “Political sciences, international relations and regional studies”, “Quranic Sciences, Tafsir and Hadith”, “Jurisprudence and Usul (Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence)”, “Philosophy, logic and theology”, “Theoretical Studies of Information Technology, Library and Information Science”, “Studies on the Islamic Revolution and Imam Khomeini”, “Arts and Aesthetic Studies” and “Interdisciplinary Studies”.
As in the past, works are accepted in four main types of “Research book” (must have all the criteria of academic research), “Final Research Report” (research project), “Doctoral dissertation/level four of Hawza Studies” and “Master's thesis/ level three of Hawza Studies”, Abasszadeh said.
Abasszadeh also said that according to the decisions of the award's policy council, in the 14th FIA, a master's thesis/level three of Hawza studies will be accepted provided to certain indicators, such as the thesis has been published as a book, at least one research paper has been extracted from it, etc.
According to the decisions of the award's policy council, to strengthen Theistic Science, the type of “Research article on the Islamic humanities” (which has been published in scholarly journals approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and Hawza) is also added to the works that can be examined in the 14th FIA, Abasszadeh added.
According to him, in the Special section of the FIA, the award will be presented to a “Leading figure” in the Humanities and Islamic studies, a “Pioneer” in Humanities and Islamic studies, a top theorist, a top translator (from foreign languages to Persian), a top “Scientific Association”/top “ Scientific Association” in the Hawza section and a top “Scientific Journal /top Hawza's Scientific Journal”.
He said in order to strengthen Iran's presence in the international arena, a “top translator from Persian to foreign languages” will be awarded in the 14th FIA according to the decisions of the award's policy council.
Due to the participation of Hawza scholars in the FIA, the FIA would also award a top scientific Hawza association and a top Hawza scientific journal, Abaszadeh said, adding “the FIA will also award a top “Center of Excellence” (besides the top " scientific Association")”.
The national works that were published or finished from March 2019 to March 2022 (the three years leading to the year of holding the award) are eligible to participate in this edition, he said.
Abaszadeh added that works would be received from September 2022 to November 2022, and they should be submitted to the FIA website (www.farabiaward.ir).
Both natural and legal (institutions and publishers) persons can submit, he added.

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