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The Award-Giving Ceremony of 8th FIA is held

 | Post date: 2017/02/12 | 

The Award-giving ceremony of the 8th Farabi International Award took place on February 12, 2016, in Summit Meeting Conference Hall with the presence of Dr. Hasan Rouhani, president of Islamic Republic of Iran. In this event experts and scholars on the humanities and Islamic studies as well as authorities and policy makers in this era was participated.

In the ceremony the President, Hasan Rouhani, Minister of science, Research and Technology, Mohammad Farhadi, Deputy Minister for Social and Culture, Sayed Zia’ Hashemi addressed speech.

In the international section of 8th FIA, Ulrich Marzolph from Germany, Vlaadimir Ivanov from Russia, Willem Floor from Netherlands, Francis Richard from France, Pierfrancesco Callieri from Italy, Victor Alkek from Lebanon and Bruno Overlaet from Bulgim introduced as selected scholars and received their prizes from the president.

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